
Journal Articles 

Faitaki, F., Liggins, S., & Meara, P. (under review). 'Lex-15': Adapting the Lex-30 expressive vocabulary test for young learners.

Faitaki, F., Liggins, S., Li, J. & Murphy, V.A. (in preparation). Developing young language learners' oral language through drama-based activities: A systematic review.

Faitaki, F., Liggins, S. & Murphy, V.A. (under review). The effectiveness of drama-based intervention for developing young children’s oral language and communication skills.

Chen, Z. & Faitaki, F. (in press). The effects of the French grammatical gender system on French-English bilingual adults’ perception of objects. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition.

Chalmers, H. Faitaki, F. & Murphy, V.A. (2023). Setting Research Priorities for English as an Additional Language: What do research users want from EAL research?. Language Teaching for Young Learners, 6(1), 5-31. 

Faitaki, F. & Murphy, V.A. (2023). Subject realization in Greek preschool learners of English. Second Language Research, 0(0), 1-23.

Book Chapters

Faitaki, F. & Murphy, V.A. (2022). “Using theatre to improve English as an Additional Language learners’ communication skills: A feasibility trial”, in B. Cortina-Pérez, A. Andúgar, A. Álvarez, S. Corral, N. Martínez & A. Otto (Eds.). Addressing Future Challenges in Early Language Learning and Multilingual Education (pp.141-148). Madrid: Dykinson.

Faitaki, F., Hessel, A.K. & Murphy, V.A. (2022). “Vocabulary and grammar development in young learners of English as an Additional Language”, in M. Schwartz (Ed.). International Handbook of Early Language Education (pp. 428-444). Cham: Springer.

Faitaki, F. & Murphy, V.A. (2020). “Oral elicitation tasks in language acquisition research”, in H. Rose and J. McKinley (Eds.). The Routledge Handbook of Research Methods in Applied Linguistics (pp. 360-369). London: Routledge.

Proceedings Papers

Faitaki, F., Nation, K., & Murphy, V.A. (2021). Immersion in the Early Years: The future of education and children’s key to success. Proceedings of the Yidan Prize Doctoral Conference, 1, 125-136.

Book Reviews

Faitaki, F. (2023). [Review of the book Performative Language Teaching in Early Education: Language Learning through Drama and the Arts for Children 3-7, by J. Winston]. Language Teaching for Young Learners, 5(2), 245-251.

Edited Volumes

Tawell, A., Davison, K., Faitaki, F., Oldaç, Y.I. (Eds.). (2019). Proceedings of the 2018 STORIES Conference: Technology Matters. Department of Education, University of Oxford, Oxford: STORIES Conference.

Web Publications

Faitaki, F. (2023). Developing Oral Language through a Drama-Based Intervention. Oxford Education Deanery Digests.

Faitaki, F. (2021). Using theatre to improve children’s communication skills: Reflections on the project and plans for the future. TORCH Blog.

Faitaki, F. (2018). Becoming bilingual at preschool: Greek children’s acquisition of subject pronouns in English. EAL Journal.